Thursday, 23 April 2015

Crafty Christmas

Whoa! Only six more days to do your Christmas shopping or if you’re a guy, only five and a half more days before you start.  Usually I get all my gifts from the shop next to where I’ve managed to find a park.
So here’s a thought, instead of the old Susan Boyle CD for Christmas, what about one of those craft beers from parking friendly FreshChoice? A beer that you often had walked past and wondered what that’s like? Well, tis the season of good swill, and what better way to get an ‘out there’ gift for a bit of personal indulgence or for your favourite person who has everything.

Rogue Breweries brew beers that are as much ‘out there’ as dyed female armpit hairs. Two stand-out Rogues perfect for the Christmas day pig-out are the ‘Morimoto Imperial Pilsner’ as the pre lunch or dinner amuze booze and the ‘Double Chocolate Stout’ for the end of day Christmas crash.
The ‘Morimoto Imperial Pilsner’ at 8.8% is one big mo-fo. Like concentrated pilsner, it’s thick, strong and bitingly bitter with walnut like flavours and a dry finish. So strong it takes longer to sip than a six pack and even Rogue has appreciated this by supplying a swing top for you to regain enough decorum to re-savour the flavour on Boxing Day.

A stout in summer? No such thing as a bad time for a stout, especially the ‘Double Chocolate Stout’ 8.7%. This is pure decadence with velvety strawberry, caramellow and milk chocolate tones plus just enough hop bitterness and nutmeg bite to relieve any overt sweetness. Winner of 3 world beer champ gold medals, its perfect for a sofa loafer.
A present that doesn’t need wrapping since the label looks like Santa, is the La Chouffe 8%.  This brew even tastes like Christmas. It’s got the classic strong Belgium beer spices, with notes of cloves, ginger, pineapple, cinnamon and everything else found in a Christmas cake. Crikey, even the big foamy white head looks like a Santa’s beard. 

Malty Christmas and hoppy New Year
Denis Santamental Cooper

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