Sunday, 21 September 2014


What’s a craft brewer’s biggest problem that’s usually out of their control? Their carefully crafted concoction being lightstruck or colloquially known in America as being skunked. This is a term used when the hops in beer is exposed to light causing a reaction that produces a pungent off-flavour resembling that of the defence spray deployed by an angry skunk.
However in the absence of any skunks in NZ, I’ve consequently not had the pleasure to partake, so would compare this awful off-flavour to a hedgehog that has been run over several times then mashed with rotten potatoes.
I’m a beer can fan, they’re light weight, easier to cool, no breakage and more stable in your car’s cup holder. Probably best reason of all, there is no chance of those flavourful bittering hops getting hedgehoged.
Here’s four guaranteed no hedgehoged beer cans from Garage Project
Hāpi Daze 4.8% Pacific Pale Ale: Hāpi is Maori for hops and this brew reeks of it, with big citrusy perfumes. This is one of those brews where the huge aroma follows through with huge taste. Persuasive notes of bananary grapefruit, apricots and toffee malts and all this for 4.8%!  A sensational flavourful sessionable.
Garagista 5.8% IPA: Crack the can and instantly get smacked with wafts of hops. Another big aroma arousal here.  Good ‘ol’ kiwi hops dominate with notes of grape skins and piney hop vines, all with a controlled bitterness. An easy going IPA, session suitable or for those who just want to chillax.
Texas Tea 6.2%: Anything from Texas will look like oil and this brew is no exception. Labelled as brown ale, it ain’t.  It’s black and it’s got the swag.  Yep, this brew is hot, so hot you’ll need a cooling beer chaser.
Tournesol 6.5% Spice Saison: A summer seasonal, but spring is just as good. This sunflower is one spritzy brew. Fulla flavour, hints of cloves, nutmegs and lemons which seems a bit ‘green party’ but they work to give a very refreshing imbibe. 
So, go get your guaranteed fresh beer choices at FreshChoice.
 Denis ‘beer with me’ Cooper

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