Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Canny Can Plan

They Can so we can knock em back
30 years ago there were just 3 craft breweries in NZ. Today there are over 47 registered breweries and with Wellington claiming themselves as the craft capital of NZ.  But just because they may have the highest number, I’d argue that Nelson would rank higher on a per capita basis and after a few more beers I’m sure I could do the maths to confirm that.

One such Welly brewery is Garage Project and they have just started to can their craft. Their justification, the advantages of Fresh beer, fresh can, no pasteurising and no filtering and for us beer buffs, a cheaper way to experiment with the offerings from craft beer.
For me, 330mls is only a teaser and not enough to explore the full complexities of craft beer flavours so this could be a canny plan just to get you to buy more, plus, I like to know how much is left without having to shake!

Here’s three of their latest offerings, fresh out of the smelter
Pils n Thrills

Pilsners are distinguished from other lager styles by their more assertive hop character and ‘Pils n Thrills’ is bang on here. With a flowery citrusy aroma, soft white head, and clear golden straw colour, this medium bodied grapefruit tasting brew is zesty and very refreshing. My wine and cider swilling Missus took a liking to this brew, which is high praise coming from a non-beer drinker. She’s the boss, what more can I say?
Smoke & Mirrors

A lager that has a dark brown colour must be sleight of hand. Distinct smokey taste on first gulp, but once taste buds have acclimatised this mellows, revealing a myriad of malt flavours. Great BBQ brew and easy to drink but couldn’t taste the mirrors.
Angry Peaches

Don’t be like me and be fooled that this brew might taste like a fruit punch or alco pop. Whoa, I was gloriously wrong. Clear copper colour with strong floral and grapefruit hoppy aroma. Smooth full body and a tart dried apricot, yes apricot flavour combined with strong hops and balanced perfectly with a malty background. This brew is angry and does have a knockout punch
Bellynote:  Can’t mention garage project without mentioning their award winning brew’ Cockswain’s Courage Tastes Like War!’, a blended porter that’s as complex as a Team NZ yacht and a deserved winner.  If this tastes like war, then what does peace taste like?

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