Sunday, 14 July 2013

The 'Nordic Saddle Buffer' from Moon Dog

Well the Mrs has got a life and has gone out for the night, so I’m left home alone, great, perfect time to try the ‘Nordic Saddle Buffer’ from Moon Dog. With such an array of beers to choose from in Fresh Choice Nelson the blurb on the bottle’s label is very important for picking the ‘chosen one’ and the 14.6 abv on the side of this bad boy did it for me. This amount of alcohol is three times more than the big commercial brands and more than most wines, so even if the taste is not up to scratch, I can always hold the nose while drinking and still have a good night right?

Cap off, nose in, then immediate aromas of butterscotch and pear that is almost palpable. First pour produces no head whatsoever. Its amber colour has a slightly murky clarity but without any floaty bits and there are a few bubbles managing to weave their way upwards. This baby has got some body!  Indeed, swirling the beer around in the glass could almost be mistaken for swirling modern day high viscosity engine oil.
As soon as the brew hits the lips you detect the coolness of evaporating alcohol and you realise it’s a seriously strong brew. The liquid oozes over the tongue revealing a complexity of flavours. The viscosity of this brew is such that it lays a lingering blanket of flavour that stays for moments making small sips completely satisfying.

Whilst it doesn’t have a unique hop character, it does have a bitterness that is proportionally offset by strong malty butterscotch flavours and hints of molasses. Definitely a beer for savouring after a special occasion dinner, however don’t forget that this brew packs a big punch which might impact on any romantic after dinner thoughts!

Points out of 10, I’m giving it 9 because not only does this beer have a Schwarzenegger body and a myriad of enjoyable complexities, it also has the unique attraction factor of being the highest alcohol beer I’ve ever enjoyed and so resulted in me having a great night home alone.



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